National Yoga Month

3 Sep

September is National Yoga Month!

I have been doing yoga consistently for a month now. It has probably been the first thing that I have ever stuck with and loved doing it every minute! I was lucky enough to be able to attend a free yoga session, which re-affirmed that I want to continue to do yoga. I have been doing dvd’s (and there are a lot that just don’t hold my attention), doing my reading (which is good for a visual of the pose), and going to classes. I love the classes. The classes you get feedback on what you are doing and how to improve form. Luckily yoga is something you can do everywhere! I usually end up doing yoga in my office twice a day and at home.




Here are so simple yoga poses to start with. Pinterest is a good source for looking into yoga poses. The best part about yoga is you don’t have to be flexible to start it. Eventually you will become more flexible and adapt to the positions. It is important in yoga to never experience pain! If you have pain while doing a position you need to ease back. There is no pain in yoga.




On a personal level this week has been difficult for me. I have been dealing with a lot of grief about missing my mom. The kind of grief where you question if you are strong enough to make it through the day. I was honest when I wrote about it and received kind words from my friends. I didn’t let my grief stop me from living. I followed my hygiene routine and then I did some yoga. The yoga helped me clear my mind and focus on my breathing and movements. It helped me work through some of my issues. Yoga is not a miracle pill that cures everything. I ended up calling my best friend a bawling, but doing the yoga distracted me and gave me purpose at that time.

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